Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence – how to make it work?

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The Due Diligence Directive Directive is part of the unfolding EU corporate sustainability landscape which aims at integrating sustainability to strategies and everyday activity of large undertakings. Among them the […]

The inclusion of hydrogen in the EU CBAM

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

On December 13th the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement to introduce an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Although not part of the initial European Commission Proposal, […]

The inclusion of hydrogen in the EU CBAM, ERCST’s assessment

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

On December 13th the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement to introduce an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Although not part of the initial European Commission Proposal, […]

CCUS in the net-zero transition

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

To achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement of pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, countries must severely reduce their emissions and reach a […]

EU Climate Policy and Electricity Market

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

During this meeting, ERCST intended to present the results of a research exercise on developing a climate change lens to analyse and inform the EU debate on reforming the electricity […]

2023 State of the EU ETS Report – Launch Event

Residence Palace. Rue de la Loi 155, 1000 Bruxelles. Residence Palace. Rue de la Loi 155, Bruxelles

This was the launch event of the 2023 State of the EU ETS Report1. During this event the report was  presented by the authors and discussed by commentators. This was […]