Informal Dialogue on Response Measures: Corporate Action on Just Transition

One of the key elements in achieving climate neutrality and transition to a low GHG economy is to ensure that it happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind. In the last decade, the issue of Just Transition has been gaining momentum both at the EU and global level. At the same time, to […]

Assessing the impacts of international Response Measures in Ghana

This webinar is part of the project “Reporting on the Impacts of Response Measures – a case study on Ghana”, jointly organised by ERCST and the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana. ERCST and the EPA in Ghana have been working together on identifying, measuring and analysing the impacts of the implementation of response measures in […]

ELECTRICITY PRICES IN THE EU – The balance between regulation and markets


Register Here This event, which is the first one of a series addressing this topic, will identify: The issues & reasons behind the increase in electricity prices, Possible solutions to the current situation and best practices to reinject carbon dividends into the market to protect vulnerable households while still incentivizing the rapid deployment of renewables […]

Addressing Competitiveness in Industrial Decarbonization

REGISTER This event aims at discussing the future of the free allocation regime in the EU and the role of the ETS in encouraging abatement in the EU industrial sectors. Particularly, speakers will be encouraged to share their views on the following topics: The impact of the Fit for 55 package on the EU industry […]

The State of the European Green Deal: end of year summary

REGISTER This meeting is part of a continuous series organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal, which started on 8 January 2020 right after the European Commission’s EGD was announced. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock on recent developments in the EGD framework. […]

Just Transition Governance and Financing across EU Member States

Sustainable development considers economic, social, and environmental matters holistically. Just Transition intends to counter the idea that valuing social aspects of sustainable development and caring for the environment are mutually exclusive goals. In this context, ERCST decided to further analyse the social implications of the environmental transition, both at a global and an EU level. […]

Roundtable on Just Transition Framework


As part of the Just Transition workstream, the ERCST team has decided to explore and put together a preliminary framework to assess the social impacts of the transition and provide guidance on how to develop a vision for a just transition that will, in turn, translate into concrete actions. The framework entailed mainly three parts: […]

Launch of the ‘Climate Policy Priorities for the Next European Commission’ Report

University Foundation Rue d’Egmont, 11, Brussels

This was a public event - hybrid format.  Ifo Institute and ERCST launched the initiative “Climate Policy Priorities for the Next European Commission” to identify and examine several issues that the EU institutions should consider as part of climate change policy developments after the 2024 elections (i.e., within the work of the new Commission). On […]