Cooperation on Border Carbon Adjustments


The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – an enabler of ambitious climate policy in a world of unequal ambition. As other […]

ERCST’s COP26 side event on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Scottish Event Campus - IETA Business Hub Business Hub IETA Side Event Room, Hall 5 on Ground Floor , Exhibition Way, Glasgow G3 8YW, United Kingdom, Glasgow

During this event, the Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST) invites a group of leading Article 6 negotiators to discuss potential outcomes on Article 6 and how it […]

COP26 Side Event ‘Reporting on the Impacts of Response Measures: Case Study in Ghana’

Scottish Event Campus Business Hub IETA Side Event Room, Hall 5 on Ground Floor , Exhibition Way, Glasgow G3 8YW, United Kingdom, Glasgow

During this meeting, the European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST) will present the final results and main findings of the project “Reporting on the Impacts of Response Measures: Case […]

Post-COP26 Briefing in Brussels


Watch video  This event will be an opportunity to take stock of what happened at COP 26 in Glasgow with Elina Bardram, Acting Director, International, Mainstreaming and Policy Coordination at DG […]

How to make the EU Taxonomy an international tool?


Registration link ERCST workstream on sustainable finance (SF) aims at bringing together relevant stakeholders on a regular basis to discuss substantive issues, informed by original intellectual input from ERCST. This […]

Hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package


This is a hybrid meeting by invitation only, if you wish to participate please contact: Antonio Fernandez This new workstream aims to bring together stakeholders, including policymakers and industry on a […]

Paper launch: framework for the CBAM policy tools


Registration The European Green Deal has strengthened the level of climate ambition, increasing the asymmetry of climate efforts by aiming to achieve climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. […]