Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (PA) addresses the issue of “cooperative approaches” under the Paris Agreement. A significant part of it aims to create the framework to ensure that […]

Kick-off event – 2018 State of the EU ETS Report

This meeting was intended as a brainstorming session with invited stakeholders and policy makers which took stock of the decisions taken on the EU ETS Phase 4 review and brainstormed […]

EU ETS: Looking Ahead in 2018

This meeting aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss the (preliminary) decisions made for the Phase 4 review of the EU ETS, and to discuss potential areas of work for the European […]

Draft 2018 State of the EU ETS Report

This meeting is intended as a brainstorming session with a small group of invited stakeholders and policy makers, with the aim to discuss and provide feedback on the outline and content of […]