Antonio Fernandez2021-08-23T10:16:39+01:00This document is a report by the co-facilitators that chaired the informal ministerial consultations organised by the COP25 presidency and incoming COP26 Presidency - held between July 7 and...
Antonio Fernandez2021-06-23T13:57:46+01:00This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the implications of different policy choices on OMGE, SOP and transition. These issues are analysed both in isolation as well as the...
Antonio Fernandez2021-06-23T13:45:29+01:00This paper outlines options for the design of the Article 6.4 mechanisms in terms of the possible transition of CDM activities and registration of new activities. Potential implications are...
Antonio Fernandez2021-06-23T13:34:15+01:00This paper takes a novel approach to studying the volume and origin of CERs that are still on the market, combining a ‘top down’ analysis of data in reports...
Antonio Fernandez2021-06-23T10:28:31+01:00This document is a summary of possible options that were put forward by Parties/groups at the 2021 session of the SBSTA (May-June) on the topic of Use of Kyoto...
Antonio Fernandez2021-06-16T10:12:51+01:00This document is a summary of possible options that were put forward by Parties/groups at the 2021 session of the SBSTA (May-June) on the topic of CDM activity transition...
Antonio Fernandez2021-05-03T15:09:04+01:00This paper provides a critical analysis of the experience with carbon markets under the Kyoto Protocol. While large differences exist between the conditions under the Kyoto Protocol and the...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-27T17:08:15+01:00Issue 1, 2021 of the Carbon Mechanism Review magazine includes articles on the growing number of corporates adopting climate neutrality targets providing a boost for voluntary carbon market, observations...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-07T13:28:05+01:00This paper is an overview of the expert discussion on transforming CDM methodologies for use in an Article 6 context. The discussion was focused on the "CDM method transformation"...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-07T09:19:20+01:00This presentation was delivered by Kazuhisa Koakutsu from the Japanese Ministry of Environment at the CCXG Global Forum on the Environment and Climate Change – March 2021. The presentation...