Informal Forum on Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC process

The Paris Climate Agreement adopted in December 2015 recognises cooperative approaches as an important element in the climate change mitigation effort. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement includes several privisons to this end. However, before the agreement enters into force, a substantial amount of work needs to be done at the political and technical level […]

Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (PA) addresses the issue of “cooperative approaches” under the Paris Agreement. A significant part of it aims to create the framework to ensure that international markets can be a tool to meet National Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the PA.   After COP 21 in Paris, negotiators have a mandate […]

Role of carbon pricing mechanisms in financing a sustainable transition to a low-carbon society

In collaboration with I4CE, Institute for Climate Change Economics, ERCST organised in Paris a meeting on The role of carbon pricing mechanisms in financing a sustainable transition to a low-carbon society. This meeting was held in conjunction with President Macron's high-level summit on carbon finance and aimed to bring together stakeholders to have an open discussion about the role […]

Paris workshop – Developing the EU Long-Term Climate Strategy

This workshop will feed into the project “Developing the EU long-term climate strategy” that aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development and delivery of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for the EU. The project itself will deliver two products: A Technical paper and a Policy paper. The Technical Paper will describe all potential choices that […]

Kick-off event – 2018 State of the EU ETS Report

This meeting was intended as a brainstorming session with invited stakeholders and policy makers which took stock of the decisions taken on the EU ETS Phase 4 review and brainstormed on the outline and issues to be covered in the 2018 State of the EU ETS Report.   The 2018 State of the EU ETS […]

Rome Workshop – Developing the EU Long-Term Climate Strategy

This workshop is part into the project “Developing the EU long-term climate strategy” that aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development and delivery of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for the EU. The project itself will deliver two products: A Technical paper and a Policy paper. The Technical Paper will describe all potential choices that […]

Berlin Workshop – Developing the EU Long-Term Climate Strategy

This workshop is part into the project “Developing the EU long-term climate strategy” that aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development and delivery of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for the EU. The project itself will deliver two products: A Technical paper and a Policy paper. The Technical Paper will describe all potential choices that […]

Copenhagen Workshop – Developing the EU Long-Term Climate Strategy

This workshop is part into the project “Developing the EU long-term climate strategy” that aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development and delivery of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for the EU. The project itself will deliver two products: A Technical paper and a Policy paper. The Technical Paper will describe all potential choices that […]

Częstochowa Workshop – Developing the EU Long-Term Climate Strategy

This workshop is part into the project “Developing the EU long-term climate strategy” that aims to provide a “roadmap” for the development and delivery of a long-term decarbonisation strategy for the EU. The project itself will deliver two products: A Technical paper and a Policy paper. The Technical Paper will describe all potential choices that […]

EU ETS: Looking Ahead in 2018

This meeting aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss the (preliminary) decisions made for the Phase 4 review of the EU ETS, and to discuss potential areas of work for the European Roundtable of Climate Change and Sustainable Transition on the topic of EU ETS in the coming year(s). For each area, the speakers will give a short […]

Draft 2018 State of the EU ETS Report

This meeting is intended as a brainstorming session with a small group of invited stakeholders and policy makers, with the aim to discuss and provide feedback on the outline and content of the 2018 State of the EU ETS Report, based on a detailed presentation. The brainstorm sessions will be focussed on the main chapters of the […]