EU Climate Policy & Electricity Market

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was a hybrid event. The ERCST workstream on “EU Climate Policy and Electricity Market” provides analytical input on the interactions between EU climate policy and electricity market. ERCST has developed a framework matrix (Annex 1) for analysing the elements of the EC proposal on electricity market reform through a climate change lens. Following on this preliminary […]

The paths to decarbonized and sustainable transport – Discussing ENVI position on the European Commission proposal strengthening the CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was a hybrid event. On 26 April, the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee met to exchange views on the Commission proposal strengthening the CO2 standards for new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs).   This event, which is a part of the ERCST’s Paths to Decarbonized and Sustainable Transport Programme, explored the position of the Parliament’s ENVI committee on […]

International Townhall on operationalising CBAM

Online event.  Following the CBAM regulation officially entering into force on the 16 May 2023 we gathered at this International Townhall to explore the practical implications of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The event focused on when the rubber hits the road, providing insights into the implications of operationalising CBAM and the necessary steps […]

Commission’s public consultation on ‘Industrial Carbon Management’

This was an online event. In 2023, CCUS and carbon removal technology are gaining considerable momentum in the European Union thanks to the new legislative proposals developed by the European Commission, such as the Certification Framework for Carbon Removal and the Net-Zero Industry Act. At the same time, at the CCUS Forum held in October […]

Industrial Carbon Management: submission review

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was an in-person event. In 2023, CCUS and carbon removal technology are gaining considerable momentum in the European Union thanks to the new legislative proposals developed by the European Commission, such as the Certification Framework for Carbon Removal and the Net-Zero Industry Act. At the same time, at the CCUS Forum held in October […]

EU Climate Policy and Electricity Market

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was a public event under Chatham House rules – hybrid format. The ERCST workstream on “EU Climate Policy and Electricity Market” provides analytical input on the interactions between EU climate policy and electricity market. ERCST has developed a framework matrix (Annex 1) for analysing the elements of the EC proposal on electricity market reform through […]

ERCST @ IETA North America Climate Summit & Climate Week NYC: The role of CCS and removals in international carbon markets

The Westin New York at Times Square 270 W 43rd St, New York, NY

This event occurred during the IETA North America Summit and Climate Week NYC at The Westin at Times Square New York - Room Gershwin 2 (4th floor).  At this event, ERCST stocktaked on the role and importance of CCUS technologies and removals in achieving NDCs and net zero goals through international cooperation and political support. It […]

Stakeholders’ meeting – The Paths to Decarbonized and Sustainable Transport -outline of the second report

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was a hybrid meeting.  The ERCST project seeks to evaluate EU policy pathways for decarbonizing heavy-duty road transportation and suggest new or complementary strategies aligned with the EU's climate neutrality goal.  The first report set the ERCST analytical framework, assessing the factors shaping mobility decarbonization and identifying desired outcomes against the backdrop of evolving […]

Expert Stakeholder Consultation: European Carbon Bank


This was an online event. The European Climate Law mandates a minimum 55% reduction in GHGs by 2030 from 1990 levels and targets Net Zero by 2050, prompting the European Commission to set a 2040 climate goal. An upcoming 2024 communication will assess the impact and address carbon removals essential for the "fit for 55" […]

Renewable hydrogen: what way forward?

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was a public hybrid event under Chatham House rules In the last consultation organised by ERCST, stakeholders identified a number of barriers to the uptake of renewable hydrogen. On the cost competitiveness side, renewable hydrogen in the EU still faces challenges in competing with hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, as well as with competing […]

Expert Stakeholder Consultation: Free Allocation Regulation (FAR) EU ETS Public Consultation

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was an in-person event. The revised EU ETS Directive (EU) 2023/959 was adopted on 10 May 2023 and published in the EU Official Journal six days after. The European Commission now needs to update several regulatory acts for the revised EU ETS to be implemented in 2024. One important update concerns the Free Allocation […]

Public perception of CCUS and carbon removals

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was an in-person event. Scaling up CCUS and carbon removal technologies is essential for global climate neutrality by 2050, but their roles vary internationally. The EU’s ‘Net Zero Industry Act’ and related communications emphasize CCUS integration. Meanwhile, the U.S. has boosted the 45Q tax credit for CCUS and DACCS, and launched the 'COP28 Carbon […]