State of the European Green Deal: Taking Stock of the European Council

Registration Link This meeting is part of a continuous series organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal, which started on 8 January 2020 right after the European Commission’s EGD was announced. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock on recent developments in the EGD […]

Launch of the ERCST Guide to the EU CBAM


The European Green Deal has strengthened the level of climate ambition, increasing the asymmetry of climate efforts by aiming to achieve climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. This raises the question of how to deal with competitive pressure and carbon leakage, pushing Border Carbon Adjustments (BCAs) to the front as a possible solution. […]

ELECTRICITY PRICES IN THE EU – The balance between regulation and markets


Register Here This event, which is the first one of a series addressing this topic, will identify: The issues & reasons behind the increase in electricity prices, Possible solutions to the current situation and best practices to reinject carbon dividends into the market to protect vulnerable households while still incentivizing the rapid deployment of renewables […]

Addressing Competitiveness in Industrial Decarbonization

REGISTER This event aims at discussing the future of the free allocation regime in the EU and the role of the ETS in encouraging abatement in the EU industrial sectors. Particularly, speakers will be encouraged to share their views on the following topics: The impact of the Fit for 55 package on the EU industry […]

The State of the European Green Deal: end of year summary

REGISTER This meeting is part of a continuous series organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal, which started on 8 January 2020 right after the European Commission’s EGD was announced. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock on recent developments in the EGD framework. […]

Paper launch: framework for the CBAM policy tools


Registration The European Green Deal has strengthened the level of climate ambition, increasing the asymmetry of climate efforts by aiming to achieve climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. This raises the question of how to deal with competitive pressure and carbon leakage, also considering the COP26 outcomes and pushing Border Carbon Adjustments (BCAs) […]

State of the EU Green Deal, the climate dimension of REPowerEU

This meeting was part of a series organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal, which started on 8 January 2020 right after the European Commission’s EGD was announced. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock of recent developments in the EGD framework. The climate […]

The State of the European Green Deal: Quo vadis EGD?


This meeting is part of a series of events organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal. This workstream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock of current developments in the EGD framework. Since the the publication of the Fit for 55 proposals in July 2021,  the legislative […]

EU Energy Transition with Energy Security

Residence Palace Wetstraat 155, Bruxelles

This event offered an opportunity to discuss and debate how to address two critical issues for future European prosperity: the transition to a clean energy matrix and energy security.  With the European Green Deal and the RePower EU packages providing the vision of a green EU economy, and the Fit for 55 package entering the […]

(Carbon) Contracts for Difference: Priorities and Red Lines for the EU Scheme


This workstream aims to bring together stakeholders, including policymakers and industry on a regular basis to discuss substantive issues around the topic of (C)CfDs, informed by original intellectual input from ERCST. (C)CfDs are discussed as one of the most promising alternatives to foster the deployment of low-carbon industrial technologies. However, it is still uncertain how […]

State of the European Green Deal year-in-review

University Foundation Rue d’Egmont, 11, Brussels

This meeting was part of a continuous series organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal. This workstream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock of recent developments in the EGD framework. Beginning of 2022 witnessed the continuation of a trend where climate and environmental policies have had […]