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Informal Forum on Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC process – by invitation only
March 5 - March 6
This meeting is part of the “Implementation of markets and non-markets provisions in the Paris Agreement” project, which aims to create an informal atmosphere, where the main objective is to explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. That is, to understand the options available to define rules, modalities and procedures on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as well as the consequences of adopting each option.
Day 1: This meeting was the first informal dialogue following the COP 24 in Katowice, looking back on the divisive parts of Article 6 that parties worked with at the COP, such as corresponding adjustments and the aspect of transparency.
Day 2: The second day concentrated on sustainable development, the links between Articles 6 and 15, as well as burgeoning pilot projects and the potential influence they could have on Article 6. The session ended with looking at the way forward for the upcoming session in June and COP 25 in Santiago.
Workshop Material
UNFCCC Documents
Katowice text, 14 Dec 2018
Article 6 Draft Negotiating Texts, 8 Dec 2018
Article 6 Draft Negotiating L Texts
Comparative Analysis of the COP 25 Text
ERCST Paper Comparing Katowice Texts and Material
Presentation by A. Marcu
Sustainable Development
Presentation by K. Olsen
Corresponding Adjustments
Presentation by M. Vaidyula
Presentation by S. Chotevitayatarakorn
Presentation by S. Lim
Links Between Art. 15 and Art. 6
Presentation by C. Voigt
Presentation by L. Dall’Ora
Pilots: How Can They Contribute to the Art. 6 Rulebook
Presentation by C. Sinha
Presentation by S. Braden
Presentation by Sweden, Germany and Switzerland
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