Sachi Vohra2023-01-30T06:26:21+01:00
This living document provides a detailed insight into the strategy adopted by the Government of Ghana to operationalise Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
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Ghana's framework on international carbon...
Sachi Vohra2022-11-29T09:55:03+01:00
This comprehensive guide to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement explains the importance of Article 6 in the climate discourse and in the achievement of NDCs.
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Pocket Guide to...
Sachi Vohra2022-10-02T17:19:39+01:00This technical paper identifies issues and proposes possible processes to implement the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses and the share of proceeds to assist developing country Parties...
Sachi Vohra2022-09-13T03:08:47+01:00The presentation by the UNFCCC Secretariat summarises the key takeaways from the SBSTA 56 on Article 6.2, Article 6.4 and Article 6.8.
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Reflections from SB56
Sachi Vohra2022-06-22T05:26:46+01:00This blueprint provides a strategy for the member of the West African Alliance on carbon markets and climate finance.
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Blueprint for Article 6 Readiness in member countries of the...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-16T11:11:55+01:00
This document presents the concluding text that was put forward by the SBSTA chair on Matters relating to the rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-15T10:33:43+01:00
The informal note presents views of Parties have been drawn from interventions of Parties made during the fifty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-15T10:21:04+01:00
This document presents the draft negotiating text that was put forward by the SBSTA on Matters relating to the rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-13T11:13:16+01:00This document presents the draft negotiating text that was put forward by the SBSTA on Matters relating to the rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-13T07:51:26+01:00The informal note presents views of Parties have been drawn from interventions of Parties made during the fifty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)...