The European Green Deal – ERCST work and the role of the EU ETS

The incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced her intention to present an ambitious ‘European Green Deal’, which is expected to be a comprehensive policy package aimed at steering the EU towards becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent. While the exact content and impact of such a Green Deal remains unclear, it is […]

2020 kick-off meeting + reception “international and EU climate change policy in 2020”

  ERCST, Carbon Market Watch and IETA have come together to organise a 2020 kick-off meeting and new year's reception.   The event will be an opportunity to gather the Brussels-based carbon market community to discuss COP25 outcomes, the announced European Green Deal, celebrate the past year’s successes and reflect on the challenges ahead. During this meeting, […]

Indirect costs compensation in the EU ETS – revision of the State Aid Guidelines


The state aid guidelines are up for revision – not review – which means that they could change significantly. The current guidelines expire on 31 December 2020, and the new guidelines would ‘indicatively’ be ready by Q3 2020 – just a few months before the new ones actually enter into force. The new state aid […]

Beyond the EU NDC & Impact on the EU ETS – outreach meeting in Paris

In the context of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is increasing its efforts towards decarbonisation. Currently, the EU climate strategy is centred around three emissions reduction targets compared to 1990 levels: a cut of 20% of GHG emissions by 2020, at least 40% by 2030; and an implicit reduction of 80-95% by 2050. These […]

Beyond the EU NDC & Impact on the EU ETS – outreach meeting in Berlin

In the context of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is increasing its efforts towards decarbonisation. Currently, the EU climate strategy is centred around three emissions reduction targets compared to 1990 levels: a cut of 20% of GHG emissions by 2020, at least 40% by 2030; and an implicit reduction of 80-95% by 2050. These […]

A just transition to a climate neutral Europe: getting the basis right

This workshop is jointly organised by ERCST and the European Policy Centre. The Paris Agreement sets a clear goal and a direction for the world to become climate neutral in the second half of the century, if it wishes to stop the warming of the planet beyond 1.5-2oC. The European Commission has put forward a […]

Informal Forum on Article 6 – London

  By invitation only This meeting is part of the “Implementation of market and non-market provisions in the Paris Agreement” project, which aims to create an informal atmosphere, where the main objective is to explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. That […]

Stakeholder meeting “Border Carbon Adjustments in the EU – issues and options”

As part of the European Green Deal, implementation of a BCA is once again being considered as a measure to address competitiveness concerns within the EU. According to the roadmap for the European Green Deal, a proposal for a BCA for “selected sectors” will be released in 2021. So far, we can only speculate what such […]

Beyond the EU NDC & Impact on the EU ETS – outreach meeting in Warsaw

In the context of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is increasing its efforts towards decarbonisation. Currently, the EU climate strategy is centred around three emissions reduction targets compared to 1990 levels: a cut of 20% of GHG emissions by 2020, at least 40% by 2030; and an implicit reduction of 80-95% by 2050. These […]

The European Green Deal: state of play


President Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission released the communication on the ‘European Green Deal’ on December 11th 2020. It is presented as an outline of the new Commission's commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges. It is presented as a new growth strategy aimed at transforming the EU’s economy and lists a measures and […]

Brainstorm on “2020 State of the EU ETS Report”


The EU ETS Directive in its Article 10(5) refers to the fact that the European Commission has to submit each year a report on the functioning of the EU ETS.  Taking stock of the success, or lack thereof, of such an important instrument must be seen as an essential ingredient in ensuring it can deliver, and […]