ETS Revision for Phase IV: Draft Report by the rapporteur in the ENVI Committee

As the responsible committee for the Revision of the EU ETS, the ENVI Committee and more specifically, the rapporteur of the file Peter Liese, has published its draft report on 14 January. The roundtable discussed key takeaways from the draft report by the rapporteur from the responsible committee in the European Parliament and provide an […]

EU Taxonomy: extension framework and interplay with transition pathways


This meeting will take the form of a working group. A diverse group of stakeholders will discuss specific elements of the EU sustainable finance agenda. This meeting is dedicated to the topic of EU Taxonomy and industrial transition. The 2 working groups will discuss: The EU Taxonomy extension framework: nuclear, gas, significantly harmful (SH) and […]

Just Transition Governance and Financing across EU Member States

Sustainable development considers economic, social, and environmental matters holistically. Just Transition intends to counter the idea that valuing social aspects of sustainable development and caring for the environment are mutually exclusive goals. In this context, ERCST decided to further analyse the social implications of the environmental transition, both at a global and an EU level. […]

Hydrogen: completing the regulatory puzzle

Drawing on the lessons of a previous stock-take on the topic discussed in December 2021, this meeting intended to identify main gaps in the current EU regulatory framework for hydrogen following the publication of the hydrogen and decarbonized gas market package and other relevant legislative acts, such as the Delegated Act on Renewable Fuels of […]

Informal Forum on Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – February 2022

This meeting was part of the ERCST initiative, which aims to create an informal atmosphere, where the main objective is to explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. That is, to understand the options available to define rules, modalities and procedures on […]

Price signal for carbon and impact on decarbonisation

The discussion focused on the current EUA price level and their impact on decarbonisation efforts, both in industrial sectors, as well as other sectors of the economy. The reaction in the EU seems to vary depending on sectors and EU Member States. Some sectors see the very rapid price increase as beneficial and supportive of […]

State of the EGD: two years after


This session intended to look at State of the EGD after two years, after some of the Draft Parliament opinions had been issued, and in light of the international situation after COP 26, but ahead of the global stocktake in 2023. During this session, we reflected upon the following questions: - Do you think it […]

CBAM Global Townhall 2022

The European Commission put forward a proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – an enabler of ambitious climate policy in a world of unequal ambition. As other countries respond to the climate crisis, we can expect to see them follow suit. Ideally there would be international coordination of these emerging policies; they have […]

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Role of Civil Society in developing climate policies

This workshop was part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue for civil societies. The overall objective of the project was to establish a sustained dialogue between Turkish and EU CSOs, private actors and public institutions on the articulation of Climate Change policy between the EU and Turkey and climate policy development in […]

Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU – CBAM Scope 2 emissions

The European Commission has proposed a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, aiming to have the regime functional by 2023, and negotiations are ongoing on the shape of the final instrument. One of the most critically important issues, yet to be resolved, is the question of whether Scope 2 emissions should be included under the mechanism. This […]