Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU – CBAM Scope 2 emissions

The European Commission has proposed a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, aiming to have the regime functional by 2023, and negotiations are ongoing on the shape of the final instrument. One of the most critically important issues, yet to be resolved, is the question of whether Scope 2 emissions should be included under the mechanism. This […]

Development impact of EU’s CBAM

Co-convened by ERCST and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) The European Green Deal has strengthened the level of climate ambition by aiming to achieve climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. The European Commission has proposed a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as the preferred option to address the risk of carbon leakage. […]

Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU – Launch of Report on Exports in CBAM

Since 2019, ERCST has built up solid experience on BCAs and carbon leakage issues in the EU context. The ERCST Team has accompanied the CBAM file from its earliest stages in the legislative process, providing analytical input to the discussion on BCAs and fostering an informed debate with domestic and international stakeholders. At this event, […]

CBAM Global Townhall 2022

The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) which is the subject of ongoing discussions in the European Parliament and the Council. The lead committee on the CBAM in the European Parliament, ENVI, is voting on the final set of amendments on May 17th. This is a decisive […]

Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU: Launch of Report on Indirect Emissions in the EU CBAM

Since 2019, ERCST has built up solid experience on BCAs and carbon leakage issues in the EU context. The ERCST Team has accompanied the CBAM file from its earliest stages in the legislative process, providing analytical input to the discussion on BCAs and fostering an informed debate with domestic and international stakeholders. One of the […]

CBAM Global Townhall 2022 – Session 3: Carbon Clubs and International Cooperation on CBAM/BCAs

On the global stage, countries have been reacting to the developments surrounding the EU CBAM, and we can expect to see some follow suit. Ideally, there would be international coordination of these emerging policies; they have high-stakes implications for international trade, international equity, and climate diplomacy. Some have suggested that BCAs could be an essential […]

Expert Consultation: CBAM: Different Approaches and Evolving Circumstances

One of the most critically important issues concerning CBAM, yet to be resolved, is the question of how to compare the level of effort in third countries’ climate policies to that of the EU, in order to determine crediting against the CBAM. The US, for example, has embarked on a suite of transformational climate-related initiatives […]

The inclusion of hydrogen in the EU CBAM

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

On December 13th the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement to introduce an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Although not part of the initial European Commission Proposal, CBAM will also apply to hydrogen together with cement, iron and steel, aluminium, fertilisers, and electricity. During this meeting we took stock of the implications […]

The inclusion of hydrogen in the EU CBAM, ERCST’s assessment

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

On December 13th the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement to introduce an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Although not part of the initial European Commission Proposal, CBAM will also apply to hydrogen together with cement, iron and steel, aluminium, fertilisers, and electricity. During this meeting ERCST presented the assessment’s conclusions concerning […]