Antonio Fernandez2021-05-12T10:10:29+01:00This document is a summary of possible options that were put forward by Parties/groups at the informal technical expert dialogue on Article 6 on the topic of financing for...
Antonio Fernandez2021-05-10T14:01:26+01:00This document is the official text from the Swiss-Peruvian Agreement on cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The agreement aims to establish a comprehensive framework the regulate...
Antonio Fernandez2021-05-03T17:10:52+01:00This paper provides an overview of potential issues that may arise when developing CRTs and CTFs, as well as discusses options that could be considered by Parties. The paper...
Antonio Fernandez2021-05-03T15:17:43+01:00This report summarizes the experience with pilots supported by the World Bank to identify gaps and build capacity to develop institutional arrangements and infrastructure for trading carbon assets under...
Antonio Fernandez2021-05-03T15:09:04+01:00This paper provides a critical analysis of the experience with carbon markets under the Kyoto Protocol. While large differences exist between the conditions under the Kyoto Protocol and the...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-27T17:08:15+01:00Issue 1, 2021 of the Carbon Mechanism Review magazine includes articles on the growing number of corporates adopting climate neutrality targets providing a boost for voluntary carbon market, observations...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-27T16:52:39+01:00This paper discusses the structure and functions of current CRF tables and software that generates tables, illustrated by examples of countries' experiences with the existing system. Furthermore, other tools...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-22T09:21:35+01:00This paper provides a detailed overview for host countries when developing an Article 6 strategy. Institutional arrangements are discussed that need to be established in order to support the...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-22T09:11:57+01:00This report provides a summary of a simulation from the World Bank's Carbon Markets and Innovation team (CMI) to explore technological options that can be used in the Climate...
Antonio Fernandez2021-04-14T09:16:04+01:00This paper discusses key issues related to key issues Parties are facing when considering preparations for intended mitigation contributions. Following questions are discussed:
What up-front information should be provided...