Hydrogen, Fit for 55, Key regulatory developments Antonio Fernandez2021-10-11T08:43:14+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Olivier Imbault, Antonio Fernandez, September 20, 2021Hydrogen, Other materialsRead more...
Fit for 55 – | Key files | Financing | Social impacts | Antonio Fernandez2021-10-18T10:26:21+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Antonio Fernandez, Dariusz Dybka September 3, 2021European Green Deal, Other materialsRead more...
Stakeholder Meeting – Alternatives to Border Carbon Adjustments mklab2021-07-06T14:59:46+01:00 DOWNLOAD July 6, 2021Other materialsRead more...
Stakeholder Meeting – Alternatives to Border Carbon Adjustments mklab2021-07-06T14:58:09+01:00 DOWNLOAD July 6, 2021Other materialsRead more...
Position Paper – ERCST’s rationale for the submission to the Public Consultation for the Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive mklab2021-08-25T10:53:51+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU, DANA AGROTTI October 14, 2020All Publications, Other materialsRead more...
Beyond the EU NDC- Assessing efforts to be Europe’s climate leaders mklab2021-08-23T10:38:38+01:00AUTHOR(S): WIJNAND STOEFS, ANDREI MARCU & ERIC WILCZYNSKI March 20, 2020All Publications, Other materialsRead more...
Summary note on “Incentivising Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies” brainstorm session mklab2021-08-25T10:02:32+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU, FEDERICO CECCHETTI AND MARIA ANTONIA REIS TEIXEIRA DA COSTA October 2, 2019All Publications, Other materialsRead more...
The ‘Article 15 Committee’ to Facilitate Implementation and Promote Compliance mklab2021-08-25T14:45:50+01:00AUTHOR(S): CHRISTINA VOIGT, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO, NORWAY April 15, 2019All Publications, Other materialsRead more...
The EU’s NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue – Options paper mklab2021-07-23T08:08:59+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU SIMONE BORGHESI, WIJNAND STOEFS, ISABELLA ALLOISIO, FRANCESCO NICOLLI AND DOMIEN VANGENECHTEN January 21, 2019All Publications, Other materialsRead more...
Northeast Asia Carbon Markets and Trade Connections mklab2021-07-23T08:04:00+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU, AND ASIA SOCIETY POLICY INSTITUTE July 3, 2018All Publications, Other materialsRead more...