Indirect Emissions in the EU CBAM elena2022-07-08T09:31:40+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Michael Mehling, Aaron Cosbey, Alexandra Maratou, Anita Vollmer July 5, 2022All Publications, Competitiveness and carbon leakage - CBAM, European Green DealRead more...
Funding mechanisms under the revised EU ETS and Social Climate Fund elena2022-06-20T16:29:33+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Juan Fernando López Hernández, Antonio Fernandez, Anita Vollmer, Angelina Bartosik June 20, 2022All Publications, EU ETS, European Green DealRead more...
Treatment of Exports in the EU CBAM Antonio Fernandez2022-07-15T08:39:22+01:00AUTHOR(S): Andrei Marcu, Michael Mehling, Aaron Cosbey, Alexandra Maratou March 18, 2022All Publications, Competitiveness and carbon leakage - CBAM, European Green DealRead more...
Addressing “Crunch Issues” in the EU CBAM: A Review of the ENVI Committee Rapporteur’s Draft Report Antonio Fernandez2022-03-10T10:12:52+01:00 10 January, 2022 AUTHOR(S): Andrei Marcu, Michael Mehling, Aaron Cosbey, An assessment of the amendments suggested in ENVI draft report can only occur against the broader context and the challenges... January 17, 2022All Publications, Competitiveness and carbon leakage - CBAM, European Green DealRead more...
Reflection note on Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfDs) Antonio Fernandez2022-02-10T10:17:22+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Antonio Fernandez January 4, 2022All Publications, European Green Deal, HydrogenRead more...
THE COMMISSION PROPOSAL ON THE ETS REVIEW: A COOL-HEADED ASSESSMENT Antonio Fernandez2021-12-14T11:30:22+01:00AUTHOR(S): Andrei Marcu, Stefano Cabras September 14, 2021All Publications, EU ETS, European Green DealRead more...
Fit for 55 – | Key files | Financing | Social impacts | Antonio Fernandez2021-10-18T10:26:21+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Antonio Fernandez, Dariusz Dybka September 3, 2021European Green Deal, Other materialsRead more...
State of the European Green Deal: the process of making Europe Fit for 55 mklab2021-09-06T22:23:36+01:00Author(s): Dariusz Dybka, Antonio Fernandez, Andrei Marcu, Stefano Cabras and Pietro Cesaro July 9, 2021All Publications, European Green DealRead more...
Position paper – Comments to the public consultation on the 2030 Climate Target Plan mklab2021-08-24T14:18:09+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU, DARIUSZ DYBKA AND DOMIEN VANGENECHTEN June 23, 2020All Publications, European Green DealRead more...
Feedback paper – European Commission’s proposal on a European Climate Law mklab2021-08-24T14:04:24+01:00AUTHOR(S): ANDREI MARCU AND DOMIEN VANGENECHTEN April 30, 2020All Publications, European Green DealRead more...