Energy Taxation Directive – feedback to the Commission’s roadmap

This meeting was an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the review of the Energy Taxation Directive, of which the process was recently started by the European Commission. ERCST shared its draft feedback on the European Commission's inception impact assessment, which was used as a basis for the discussions. Please find ERCST's feedback submission in the workshop materials […]

The 2030 Climate Target Plan – Impact Assessment and role of the EU ETS

To put the EU firmly on a path towards climate neutrality by 2050, the Commission will propose an increased greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 from at least 40% to at least 50% to 55% (compared to 1990), including through an amendment to the recently proposed Climate Law. The Communication will set out potential […]

The European Climate Law – feedback to the Commission’s proposal

The European Climate law was one of the flagship measures proposed by the new Commission, to be adopted within the first 100 days of its mandate. It claims to “set the direction of travel for EU climate action, give predictability for investors, and anchor the irreversibility of the transformation”. A stakeholder’ consultation meeting took place […]

Informal Forum on Implementation of the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (2nd webinar)

This meeting is part of the “Implementation of market and non-market provisions in the Paris Agreement” project, which aims to create an informal atmosphere, where the main objective is to explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. That is, to understand the […]

The European Green Deal: state of play

This meeting is part of a continuous series of meetings organised by ERCST on the European Green Deal. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock on recent developments, look ahead to what is in the pipeline, and discuss the general implementation of the EGD framework. […]

Creating markets for low-carbon products in the EU

Historically, EU and Member State climate policies have strongly focused on reducing GHG emissions that are produced within their jurisdictions. Less emphasis has been put on policies, being it command-and-control or economic, aimed at incentivising (domestic) demand for low-carbon products. Many EU producers are making investments to lower their emissions, subsequently increasing their production costs […]

Informal Forum on Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (3rd webinar)

This meeting is part of the “Implementation of market and non-market provisions in the Paris Agreement” project, which aims to create an informal atmosphere, where the main objective is to explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. That is, to understand the […]

Stakeholders’ Views on the Submissions for Energy Taxation Directive

As part of the policy updates foreseen under the European Green Deal, the European Commission released on March 4th an Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) on the Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive. The Commission received feedback from 180 industry representatives, think tanks, NGOs, and private citizens from around the EU, who submitted comments detailing their […]

Stakeholders’ Views on the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The European Commission released the Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms for public review and commenting (due on April 1). Over 200 corporations, think tanks, NGOs, and private citizens from around the EU submitted comments detailing their opinions and suggestions on the IIA. In addition to submitting our own feedback paper (available […]

The 2030 Climate Target Plan – Public Consultation meeting

To put the EU firmly on a path towards climate neutrality by 2050, the Commission will propose an increased greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 from at least 40% to at least 50% to 55% (compared to 1990), including through an amendment to the recently proposed Climate Law. The Communication will set out potential […]