ERCST at COP29 – All Events

Below is the list of side events that ERCST organised, and participated in, during the COP29 that was held in Baku from 11 November to 22 November 2024. Draft Agenda 1. Carbon Removals in international Carbon Markets November 13, 2024 – 18:00-19:00, Baku time (15:00 Brussels time) | IETA Pavilion, COP 29 venue, Blue Zone […]

Launch event – Low-Carbon Hydrogen: key elements for a common sense approach

This was a hybrid event.  This ERCST initiative aimed to analyse and suggest key elements for a more inclusive low-carbon hydrogen regulation including an effective and comprehensive definition of low-carbon hydrogen that will support the development of the EU hydrogen market and will boost hydrogen demand. Paper Recording Slides Agenda  

Launch Event – Evaluation of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, 1000 Bruxelles

This was a hybrid event.  Considering the momentum of the recently published EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) – and its entry into force on July 25, 2024 –, ERCST proposes evaluating the final text of the CS3D, building on its previous work – i.e., “The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and its […]

International townhall: CBAM implementation – One year later


Register Marking the one-year anniversary of the CBAM’s transitional period, this event will take stock of the challenges encountered during the first year of the CBAM. The discussion will focus on obstacles faced by importers, exporters, and other stakeholders involved in the CBAM.  How large are the difficulties in obtaining accurate data and engaging with […]

Stakeholder consultation – CO₂ Storage Beyond the EU: Regulatory Barriers and Business Opportunities


Register Online As the European Union intensifies its commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, exploring innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes increasingly vital. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies are indispensable components of this mission. While significant advancements have been made within the EU and EEA to […]

Future of Emissions Trading System in the EU: Role of Emissions Trading in EU Climate Policy – Launch Event

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was the launch event of the ERCST report on the ‘Role of Emissions Trading in EU Climate Policy’, under the framework of the ‘Future of the Emissions Trading in the EU’ project. The “Future of Emissions Trading System in the EU” is a process that ERCST is putting in place to provide original analytical […]

Stakeholder Roundtable: 2025 State of the EU ETS Report

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This was an in person event.  “Important! Online participation is only allowed for attendees located outside Brussels” This meeting was by invitation only.  This meeting was intended as a stakeholder/expert workshop with a small group of invited stakeholders and policy makers, which brainstormed on the outline and content of the 2025 State of the EU […]

Focus Group: Green Claims Directive (GCD) trilogues – How does the GCD connect with (Voluntary) Carbon Markets?


This is an online event.  By invitation only. If you are interested in attending, please contact On March 23, 2023, the Commission submitted to the European Parliament and the Council, a proposal for a directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (i.e., “Green Claims Directive” or “GCD”). The GCD establishes minimum requirements […]

Paper Launch – Unlocking CO₂ Storage Opportunities Outside the EU – Policy Challenges and Business Prospects

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, 1000 Bruxelles

Register in person Register Online   This is an in person event.  “Important! Online participation is only allowed for attendees located outside Brussels” As the European Union intensifies its efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the pursuit of innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes ever more crucial. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) […]

Second Stakeholders and Member States Consultation – Implementation and transposition of hydrogen regulations in the EU Member States

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, 1000 Bruxelles

This is an online event.  This meeting was by invitation only.    The goal of the initiative is to assess how EU Member States are implementing and transposing EU regulations and directives into their national framework. A few Member States have been selected as case study. Their implementation approaches will be analysed, as well as […]

Stakeholder Roundtable – Future of Emissions Trading in the EU: Price Signal and Competitiveness

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, 1000 Bruxelles

This is an in person event.  “Important! Online participation is only allowed for attendees located outside Brussels” This meeting is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending, please contact  This meeting is intended as a brainstorming meeting for a small group of invited stakeholders and policy makers, in the framework of ERCST’s […]

Launch Event – Omnibus Regulation: on CSRD and CSDDD

Register Online   This is an online event.  As the European Commission prepares to unveil the “Omnibus Regulation” proposal on February 26, 2025, with President Ursula von der Leyen now directly overseeing the file, pressure is mounting from all sides – both within and beyond the EU, and from companies as well as governments.  In […]