How to make the EU Taxonomy an international tool?


Registration link ERCST workstream on sustainable finance (SF) aims at bringing together relevant stakeholders on a regular basis to discuss substantive issues, informed by original intellectual input from ERCST. This webinar will gather a diverse panel to discuss the challenge of making the EU Taxonomy an international tool, as well as launching ERCST report: "The […]

EU Taxonomy: extension framework and interplay with transition pathways


This meeting will take the form of a working group. A diverse group of stakeholders will discuss specific elements of the EU sustainable finance agenda. This meeting is dedicated to the topic of EU Taxonomy and industrial transition. The 2 working groups will discuss: The EU Taxonomy extension framework: nuclear, gas, significantly harmful (SH) and […]

EU Taxonomy: impacts on other policies


This meeting took the form of a working group where stakeholders discussed specific elements of the EU sustainable finance agenda. This meeting was dedicated to the topic of EU Taxonomy impacts on other policies. Indeed, ERCST considers the analysis of the interactions of the EU Taxonomy with other policies an important element because, among other […]

Nuclear energy and gas in the EU Taxonomy

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The EU Taxonomy was introduced in 2020 as a reporting tool. The declared goal of Taxonomy is to direct the flow of private capital to finance transition towards climate neutrality. It is a flagship project of the sustainable finance strategy adopted by the European Commission as a part of the European Green Deal. The Taxonomy, […]

Green bonds – State of play. What is in it for transition?

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The Green Bond Standard is the flagship financial instrument incorporating the EU Taxonomy. After the Council and the European Parliament adopted their positions, its status is entering a new phase, the inter-institutional negotiations. It is a good moment to take stock of the different policy aspects related to green bonds: relation with the Taxonomy, the […]

The matrix: sustainable reporting requirements

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This workstream aims to bring together stakeholders and policymakers regularly to discuss substantive issues around hydrogen, informed by original intellectual input from ERCST. For more than 20 years, the market has developed multiple reporting tools in response to the demand from investors for identifying which investments and economic activities can be seen as “sustainable”. In […]

The transition plans: beyond sustainable finance?

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The idea of presenting a transition plan – i.e., ensuring that the business model and strategy of the undertaking are compatible with the transition to a sustainable economy and with the limiting of global warming to 1.5 °C, in line with the Paris Agreement – will soon turn into a concrete legal obligation. It is […]