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Creating markets for low-carbon products in the EU
May 19 @ 14:00 - 16:00
Historically, EU and Member State climate policies have strongly focused on reducing GHG emissions that are produced within their jurisdictions. Less emphasis has been put on policies, being it command-and-control or economic, aimed at incentivising (domestic) demand for low-carbon products.
Many EU producers are making investments to lower their emissions, subsequently increasing their production costs and the costs of their final product vis-à-vis non-EU producers of similar goods. Yet, due to the lack of incentives to buy these lower-carbon, (often) more expensive goods, consumption can shift to higher-carbon imports.
This is a perverse effect that should be mitigated. While carbon leakage measures, such as for example in place in the EU ETS, can mitigate this effect, mitigation alone is not sufficient to help speed up the global transition to a low-carbon economy.
While research shows that EU consumers are slowly shifting their consumption patterns towards lower-carbon products, this shift is not fast enough to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
This meeting is intended as a public brainstorming session to start the debate on how to stimulate the creation of a (domestic) market for low-carbon products. This will be the first of a series of meetings offering an opportunity for discussion between stakeholders and policymakers in the context of the implementation of the European Green Deal.
For the European Green Deal to succeed, it is vital to encourage demand-side options aimed at building a mass market for low-carbon products. Wider and more concerted actions will allow to boost green demand and make the case for investment in low-carbon technologies and innovations.
This session will focus on understanding the state of thinking on this topic from the industry, think tanks and government perspectives, the current and planned policies that will ensure that this market emerges, and the gaps that exist.
The webinar will start with an introduction to the topic by Andrei Marcu and Matteo Caspani, followed by an exchange of views with researchers, stakeholders and the European Commission.
Workshop Material(s)
ERCST presentation
Presentation from Fulvia Raffaelli (DG GROW)
Presentation from Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin)
Presentation from Oliver Sartor (Agora Energiewende)
Presentation from Adolfo Aiello (Eurofer)
Upcoming Events
Expert consultation: Extension of the CBAM scope
April 8 @ 15:00 - 17:00Stakeholder Consultation – Advancing BECCS Policy: Harmonizing Land Use with Carbon Dioxide Removal Goals
April 10 @ 15:00 - 16:302025 State of the EU ETS Report – Launch Event (Public Event)
May 21 @ 15:00 - 17:00
Past Events
Launch Event – Future of Emissions Trading in the EU: Price Signal and Competitiveness (Public Event)
March 27 @ 10:00 - 12:00Launch Event: Solutions for exports of EU CBAM-covered goods
March 25 @ 15:00 - 17:00Focus Group – Circular Carbon Economy: CO₂ as a Valuable Resource
March 12 @ 15:00 - 16:30