ERCST launched this work stream on January 8, 2020 right after the European Commission’s EGD was announced. This work stream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock on recent developments in the EGD framework.
ERCST’s work on the EGD can be subdivided into two different strands:
- Implementation of the European Green Deal: legislative files
- European Green Deal: state of play
In this sub-workstream, ERCST attempts to accompany the European Commission’s legislative process by organising topical discussions on key proposals for the implementation of the EGD. ERCST will also regularly provide input to EC feedback opportunities and publish position papers.
This workstream is transversal to other ERCST workstreams such as ETS, CBAM, Sustainable Finance or Hydrogen and it is also intended to cover those legislative files that are not part of ERCST’s core workstreams, such as for example the European Climate Law, the 2030 Climate Target Plan and key parts of the Fit for 55 Package.
This sub-work stream is part of a continuous series of meetings that aim to bring together policymakers and stakeholders to take stock on recent developments, look ahead to what is in the proposals’’ pipeline, and discuss the general implementation of the EGD.
Rather than focusing on individual legislative files, this sub-work stream concentrates on the core developments and overall direction of the EGD.
Climate Policy Priorities for the Next European Commission
Author(s): Clemens Fuest, Andrei Marcu, Michael MehlingERCST Feedback to the Commission’s Net Zero Industry Act Proposal
Authors: Andrei Marcu, Sara Svensson, Gabriele Romeo ERCST NZIA feedback...ERCST’s rationale accompanying the submission to the Public Consultation for the EU climate target for 2040
Chapeau The European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST) welcomes the opportunity to participate in the European Commission’s public consultation for the EU climate target for 2040. ERCST’s response...The inclusion of hydrogen in the EU CBAM
Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Michael Mehling, Aaron Cosbey, Olivier Imbault, Antonio FernandezRECENT AND UPCOMING EVENTS
State of the European Green Deal: Taking Stock of the European Council
May 27 @ 14:00 - 16:00Launch of the ERCST Guide to the EU CBAM
September 27 @ 13:00 - 15:00ELECTRICITY PRICES IN THE EU – The balance between regulation and markets
October 19 @ 09:30 - 12:00Addressing Competitiveness in Industrial Decarbonization
November 29 @ 10:00 - 12:00The State of the European Green Deal: end of year summary
December 14 @ 14:00 - 16:00Paper launch: framework for the CBAM policy tools
December 15 @ 14:00 - 16:00State of the EU Green Deal, the climate dimension of REPowerEU
May 19 @ 14:00 - 16:00