GHG or not GHG: Accounting for diverse mitigation contributions in the post-2020 climate framework

This paper discusses key issues related to key issues Parties are facing when considering preparations for intended mitigation contributions. Following questions are discussed:

  1. What up-front information should be provided alongside intended mitigation contributions to facilitate understanding of the intended contributions and their expected impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levels;
  2. What accounting rules or guidance for post-2020 mitigation contributions (if any) would it be helpful to agree or develop before 2020, to facilitate understanding of intended contributions and their expected impacts on GHG emissions levels; and
  3. The timing of key decisions on accounting issues, taking into account the agreed timetable for communication of intended mitigation contributions.

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GHG or not GHG: Accounting for diverse mitigation contributions in the post-2020 climate framework

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