Sachi Vohra2022-06-22T05:19:42+01:00This note focuses on highlighting the important elements that can help maximise the impacts and use of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. This has been summarised in 6...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-22T05:12:30+01:00
This short study reflects on the significance of COP26 outcomes for global carbon markets with a focus on African priorities. This includes carbon market cooperation under Article 6 of the PA...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-22T05:02:14+01:00
This report reflects on the terms of lessons learnt from the past, challenges and opportunities for carbon market participation and the recommendations identified as part of the action group and presented...
Sachi Vohra2022-06-15T09:59:33+01:00
The informal note presents views of Parties have been drawn from interventions of Parties made during the fifty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)...
Sachi Vohra2022-03-04T12:27:17+01:00
The report provides an evaluation of the level of ambition COP26 achieved, along with the negotiations on finance, loss and damage, transparency, common time frames, Article 6 of...
Sachi Vohra2022-03-04T12:28:02+01:00
The paper provides key insights to: climate clubs enable operationalisation of article 6 of the Paris Agreement, effort-sharing on a per capita basis ensures a fair target distribution, joint...
Sachi Vohra2022-01-21T05:58:04+01:00This paper discusses the key issues and brings forth 4 broad approaches to determine the shift in emissions from linking of Emissions Trading Schemes that can be accounted for...
Sachi Vohra2022-02-10T09:14:31+01:00
This perspective paper explains the application of international regime theory in climate change and elements of the market mechanism. It further provides a comparative analysis to discuss the type...
Sachi Vohra2022-01-06T14:30:25+01:00
This paper assesses the UNFCCC SBSTA chair’s “options paper” on one specially selected issue – CDM transition. Along with this, if further analyse the experiences gained with piloting so...
Sachi Vohra2022-01-06T13:07:43+01:00
This paper assesses the environmental integrity implications of the two options that countries with single-year targets can use to account for internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6...