ERCST Feedback to the Innovation Fund Consultation Gabriele Romeo2023-08-09T09:46:23+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Juan Fernando López, Gabriele Romeo August 9, 2023All Publications, EU ETS, HydrogenRead more...
ERCST EXPLANATORY NOTE: EU ETS Auctioning & REPowerEU Gabriele Romeo2023-07-31T09:43:30+01:00Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Juan Fernando López, Gabriele Romeo July 27, 2023All Publications, EU ETSRead more...
ERCST Feedback to the Commission’s Net Zero Industry Act Proposal Gabriele Romeo2023-10-31T17:48:53+01:00 Authors: Andrei Marcu, Sara Svensson, Gabriele Romeo ERCST NZIA feedback... June 28, 2023All Publications, European Green DealRead more...
The EU Hydrogen Market: Fit for investments? – Slides Gabriele Romeo2023-06-01T13:56:42+01:00 ppt presentation H2 event 31/05/23 69 downloads 527.33 KB ... June 1, 2023Other materialsRead more...