Article 6: Options paper

This presentation summarises the Informal reports by the Chair of the SBSTA. It includes the critical issues and options for consideration in Article 6 i.e. Infrastructure (Registries and international...

Article 6 Infrastructure

The presentation provides insights into the key issues linked to Infrastructure of Article 6 particularly related to Registry, standardization and Unique identification of the mitigation outcomes. Download link Article 6 Infrastructure...

Avoidance and Removals

The question of inclusion holds significance, particularly for Parties exclusively belonging to Art 5. Through this presentation, we explore the importance of safeguarding avoidance and REDD+ activities within Art...

Key outcomes COP26

The report provides an evaluation of the level of ambition COP26 achieved, along with the negotiations on finance, loss and damage, transparency, common time frames, Article 6 of...

The Use of CBAM Revenues