Sachi Vohra2023-09-25T09:04:44+01:00
This survey provides a snapshot of 29 of GGGI’s members and partners from developing and emerging economies, representing all regions of the world. The findings provide important insights into...
Sachi Vohra2023-09-25T08:00:39+01:00
This guide aims to support countries exploring opportunities for engaging in activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, and, in particular, understand the related reporting and accounting requirements.
Sachi Vohra2023-09-20T11:29:33+01:00This presentation provides an update on the current status of Article 6 implementation in Thailand.
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Article 6 Implementation in Thailand
Sachi Vohra2023-09-20T11:12:55+01:00
The Article 6 Implementation Partnership established at COP 27 last year aims to promote international collaboration to build Article 6-related capacity, including sharing good practices and supporting the implementation...
Sachi Vohra2023-06-16T13:42:38+01:00
This document presents the draft conclusions for rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement and referred to in decision 3/CMA.3 in...
Sachi Vohra2023-06-14T06:52:49+01:00
The version 2 of the informal notes summarises the discussion among the Parties in the first week of SBSTA 58 on Agenda Item 13 Article 6.2
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Informal note by...
Sachi Vohra2023-06-05T10:09:40+01:00 This presentation provides an overview of the critical elements of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and Article 6.2 implementation cycle.
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Art 6.2 cycle implementation in the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
Sachi Vohra2023-03-28T15:04:31+01:00This presentation is based on the paper "The birth of an ITMO: authorisation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement" and provides information on the key matters linked to...
Sachi Vohra2023-03-28T14:33:30+01:00This presentation provides an overview of the authorisation process in Switzerland with demonstrations from Ghana and Switzerland. Furthermore, it provides governance and statement elements for authorisation within the country.
Sachi Vohra2023-03-28T14:17:32+01:00 The presentation provides Sweden's viewpoint as an acquiring party on the authorization and acquisition process.
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Preliminary Article 6.2 Authorization Process – Sweden as an Acquiring Country