Pre-COP Briefing

During the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP) of November 2017 in Bonn, Parties had the aim to make significant progress on the development of the “Paris rulebook”. COP24, which will take place from 3-14 December 2018 in Katowice, seeks to continue to work out and ultimately adopt a package of decisions ensuring the full […]

EU ETS: Impacts of the new clean energy package targets on the MSR

The Market Stability Reserve was put in place to address the current surplus of EUA’s in the market, as well as “normal” levels of surplus that may emerge in future years. The performance of the MSR is therefore critical to the well-functioning of the EU ETS. However, the parameters have not been tested in real life, and […]

EU ETS: free allocation adjustments due to production changes in Phase 4

The recent revision for the fourth phase of the EU ETS extended the use of transitional free allocation for the period 2021 – 2030. Moreover, the revision introduced some new rules for free allocation and adjustments to free allocation due to production changes. While these new rules set out the main criteria, the European Commission […]

IPCC 1.5ºC Report: What are the main messages and EU policy implications?

The Paris Agreement officially entered into force on 4 November 2016 and aims to pursue "efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agreed in early 2016 in Nairobi on a timeframe for its next major series of climate reports – including a special […]

ICTSD & IETA Article 6 Business Dialogue

ERCST and IETA held a joint workshop on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Glion, back-to-back with the Informal Dialogue on Article 6, organised by ICTSD. The workshop brought together IETA members and key UNFCCC market negotiators, presenting a unique opportunity to discuss Article 6 priorities and share private sector experiences with international carbon […]

The EU NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue – Prague Workshop

ERCST and EUI would like to invite you to the launch of their policy paper 'The EU's NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue', held on October 25 at the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.  ERCST and EUI have jointly been working on a project which provides the opportunity for a public debate on the possibility of increasing the […]

The EU NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue – Florence Workshop

ERCST and EUI would like to invite you to the launch of their policy paper 'The EU's NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue', held on October 25 at the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.  ERCST and EUI have jointly been working on a project which provides the opportunity for a public debate on the possibility of increasing the […]

The EU NDC after Talanoa – Bratislava Workshop

ERCST and EUI would like to invite you to the launch of their policy paper 'The EU's NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue', held on October 25 at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.  ERCST and EUI have jointly been working on a project which provides the opportunity for a public debate on the possibility of increasing the […]

The EU NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue – Warsaw Workshop

ERCST and EUI would like to invite you to the launch of their policy paper 'The EU's NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue', held on October 25 at the Centrum Konferencyjne Zielna in Warsaw. This meeting is hosted by WiseEuropa.  ERCST and EUI have jointly been working on a project which provides the opportunity for a public debate on the […]

EU NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue – Launch Event

ERCST and EUI would like to invite you to the launch of their policy paper 'The EU's NDC after the Talanoa Dialogue', held on November 26 at the Permanent Representation of France to the EU in Brussels.  ERCST and EUI have jointly been working on a project which provides the opportunity for a public debate on the possibility of […]

Informal Dialogue on Response Measures of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC process

This meeting is part of the “Informal Dialogue on Response Measures" project, an independent initiative aimed at creating an informal dialogue where the participants can explore, discover, explain and understand different points of view related to the issues in Article 4.15 of the Paris Agreement. The objective was to further understand the options available to define […]