EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society

Mövenpick Hotel Mövenpick Hotel, Ankara

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue, financed by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme between EU and Turkey, coordinated by the Directorate for EU Affairs. The aim of this workshop is to present the Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society. The roadmap […]

“Crunch issues” in the hydrogen and gas Directive


This meeting intended to shed more light on some key issues in the, back then, proposed Hydrogen and Gas Directive. Namely: the definition for low carbon hydrogen, the regulatory principles for third-party access and the alignment of the proposal with the energy system integration strategy. This meeting intended to have a substantive discussion on a […]

Nuclear energy and gas in the EU Taxonomy

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The EU Taxonomy was introduced in 2020 as a reporting tool. The declared goal of Taxonomy is to direct the flow of private capital to finance transition towards climate neutrality. It is a flagship project of the sustainable finance strategy adopted by the European Commission as a part of the European Green Deal. The Taxonomy, […]

Hydrogen and the RED Delegated Acts

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

On May 20th the European Commission published two delegated acts which are essential to complete the definition of RFNBOs (Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin) and hence to determine the role renewable hydrogen will play in EU decarbonization. In concrete: Delegated act on the methodology setting out the rules for the production of RFNBOs. Delegated act […]

Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU: Launch of Report on Indirect Emissions in the EU CBAM

Since 2019, ERCST has built up solid experience on BCAs and carbon leakage issues in the EU context. The ERCST Team has accompanied the CBAM file from its earliest stages in the legislative process, providing analytical input to the discussion on BCAs and fostering an informed debate with domestic and international stakeholders. One of the […]

ETS Revision for Phase IV. The EU ETS under trilogues

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The ETS has emerged as the backbone of the EU Climate Action and, especially in the last two years, as a crucial driver of decarbonisation. The Commission proposal to review the EU ETS Directive aims at aligning the emissions pathway of the ETS sectors with the new EU climate targets. Throughout the next decade, the […]

CBAM Global Townhall 2022 – Session 3: Carbon Clubs and International Cooperation on CBAM/BCAs

On the global stage, countries have been reacting to the developments surrounding the EU CBAM, and we can expect to see some follow suit. Ideally, there would be international coordination of these emerging policies; they have high-stakes implications for international trade, international equity, and climate diplomacy. Some have suggested that BCAs could be an essential […]

The State of the European Green Deal: Quo vadis EGD?


This meeting is part of a series of events organized by ERCST on the European Green Deal. This workstream aims to bring together policymakers and stakeholders on a regular basis to take stock of current developments in the EGD framework. Since the the publication of the Fit for 55 proposals in July 2021,  the legislative […]

Hydrogen: State of play of the regulatory framework

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

This meeting intends to focus on key pieces of legislation (i.e. revision of the RED and the recently proposed RED Delegated Acts, the hydrogen and decarbonized gas market package, the EU ETS and CBAM). This meeting will start with a presentation by ERCST, outlining some of the key developments in the hydrogen regulatory framework in […]

EU Energy Transition with Energy Security

Residence Palace Wetstraat 155, Bruxelles

This event offered an opportunity to discuss and debate how to address two critical issues for future European prosperity: the transition to a clean energy matrix and energy security.  With the European Green Deal and the RePower EU packages providing the vision of a green EU economy, and the Fit for 55 package entering the […]

Green bonds – State of play. What is in it for transition?

ERCST Rue Archimède 61, Bruxelles

The Green Bond Standard is the flagship financial instrument incorporating the EU Taxonomy. After the Council and the European Parliament adopted their positions, its status is entering a new phase, the inter-institutional negotiations. It is a good moment to take stock of the different policy aspects related to green bonds: relation with the Taxonomy, the […]