Beyond the EU NDC & Impact on the EU ETS – outreach meeting in Warsaw

In the context of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is increasing its efforts towards decarbonisation. Currently, the EU climate strategy is centred around three emissions reduction targets compared to 1990 levels: a cut of 20% of GHG emissions by 2020, at least 40% by 2030; and an implicit reduction of 80-95% by 2050. These […]

The European Green Deal: state of play


President Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission released the communication on the ‘European Green Deal’ on December 11th 2020. It is presented as an outline of the new Commission's commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges. It is presented as a new growth strategy aimed at transforming the EU’s economy and lists a measures and […]

Brainstorm on “2020 State of the EU ETS Report”


The EU ETS Directive in its Article 10(5) refers to the fact that the European Commission has to submit each year a report on the functioning of the EU ETS.  Taking stock of the success, or lack thereof, of such an important instrument must be seen as an essential ingredient in ensuring it can deliver, and […]

Beyond the EU NDC & Impact on the EU ETS – outreach meeting in Helsinki

In the context of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is increasing its efforts towards decarbonisation. Currently, the EU climate strategy is centred around three emissions reduction targets compared to 1990 levels: a cut of 20% of GHG emissions by 2020, at least 40% by 2030; and an implicit reduction of 80-95% by 2050. These […]

Border Carbon Adjustments in the EU project call – feedback to the Commission’s roadmap

The project video call was an opportunity for ERCST to share its draft feedback on the European Commission's inception impact assessment for the proposed carbon border adjustment mechanism, and gather perspectives and notes from the project funders as well as other experts active in this topic. In addition, ERCST continued the discussion from the March 5th meeting regarding the […]

Article 6 Informal Dialogue – Article 6.4 Transition discussion (1st webinar)

This was a discussion via videoconference on the startup for Article 6.4, including what is needed and how it can be accomplished. During the webinar, the discussion focused mainly on two topics: 1. How to set up an efficient Art 6.4 mechanism, including considerations on how to register first and subsequent activities, what standards to […]

Energy Taxation Directive – feedback to the Commission’s roadmap

This meeting was an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the review of the Energy Taxation Directive, of which the process was recently started by the European Commission. ERCST shared its draft feedback on the European Commission's inception impact assessment, which was used as a basis for the discussions. Please find ERCST's feedback submission in the workshop materials […]

The 2030 Climate Target Plan – Impact Assessment and role of the EU ETS

To put the EU firmly on a path towards climate neutrality by 2050, the Commission will propose an increased greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 from at least 40% to at least 50% to 55% (compared to 1990), including through an amendment to the recently proposed Climate Law. The Communication will set out potential […]

The European Climate Law – feedback to the Commission’s proposal

The European Climate law was one of the flagship measures proposed by the new Commission, to be adopted within the first 100 days of its mandate. It claims to “set the direction of travel for EU climate action, give predictability for investors, and anchor the irreversibility of the transformation”. A stakeholder’ consultation meeting took place […]