ERCST Commentary – The Carbon Removal Certification Framework: what is next?
Author(s): Andrei Marcu, Elena Bonfiglio
November 9, 2023
Since the beginning of 2023, CCUS and carbon removal (CDR) technologies have been gaining considerable momentum in the European Union thanks to new legislative proposals developed by the European Commission, such as the Net-Zero Industry Act and the upcoming Commission’s ‘Industrial Carbon Management’ strategy.
In November 2022, the Commission also proposed a Regulation for the Certification Framework of Carbon Removals (CRCF) to set out a voluntary EU-wide framework to certify carbon removals in Europe. It provides a general framework only, while methodologies for each type of removal method will be developed through delegated acts with the help of the Expert Group on Carbon Removals.
This commentary analyzes the CRCF proposal in view of the upcoming European Parliament’s vote, highlighting the two most significant issues it brings with it: market fragmentation and the absence of market demand.