Darren Newman

Darren Newman

Senior Advisor

Darren joined the ERCST in April 2023 to work on the Mobility workstream and particularly on decarbonization of heavy-duty road transport.

He has more than 30 years of experience in Commercial Vehicles, working for global manufacturers. He has gained extensive experience in product development, vehicle sales, and asset finance. Having spent much of his career putting diesel-powered vehicles into Haulage and Logistics fleets and more recently alternative fuel vehicles, he now focuses on helping operators and buyers of commercial transport solutions to work towards decarbonizing their operations.

Speaking the language and understanding the complexities and pressures of road transport enables him to provide practical and workable solutions. Working at all levels within a customer’s businesses, from the board room to the transport yard, helps him to deliver solutions that are minimally disruptive to service levels and with a clear view of cost and operational implications.

He has a large resource of industry contacts including large fleet operators and family-run businesses, vehicle manufacturers and dealers, vehicle bodybuilders and converters, and fuel providers. He is an active member of Zemo Partnership and The Renewable Fuels Transport Association – working with other industry professionals and the public sector to promote best practice and produce recommendations to the government on future transport policy.

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